• Walmart
    Damn the Man,  Family Dynamics

    Walmart Trunks

    “I am so sorry,” I repeated for maybe the fortieth time as Mike and I walked through the automatic doors of a store we both didn’t want to enter. “No, hon, I’m sorry. I know how you feel about this place,” Mike also repeated. We walked through the store briskly, wasting no time browsing. Ours was a get-in-and-get-out mission. I hadn’t heard him ask me to get his board shorts out of the drier and throw them in his backpack, and he hadn’t realized I hadn’t heard him. Only once we went to jump in the pool at our friend’s house in the desert did he discover the mishap, and…

  • Life of Pi
    General Lunacy

    Thoughts About This Week

    In no particular order: I have required two cold showers a day every day this week, because it is hot here; so hot I don’t even want to use a tired metaphor involving hell to describe it. Oh yeah, we don’t have air-conditioning, and we live in a 100-year-old house without insulation. So I’m also not sleeping at night… Other ways to stay cool: standing in front of the open freezer, putting my face directly in front of the fan we have propped in the window, driving around with the air-conditioning on, eating popsicles, drinking a metric fuck-ton of ice water each day. Sorry for the cussing, I’m not sleeping.…


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