Surprise Neighbors, Or Why I Love Camping
“Shoot, I forgot the tinfoil. For the baked potatoes.” I looked at Mike, who kept his eyes ahead on the path’s gentle curves. It hugged the ocean, the way back to the campsite.
“That’s okay. We’ll figure something out,” he said, pulling Rusty to heel. “We can use two pans to create an oven for them. Stick it over the fire.”
“I didn’t bring pans,” I said. “None of the meals I planned included anything that needed a pan.”
“What about the chili?”
“You don’t need a pan for chili. You just set the can over the fire.”
“Oh. Well, we’ll figure something out.”
“We can ask someone at the campsite. Maybe the camp hosts.”
“We’ll figure something out.”
“Camping fail,” I muttered.
I always forget to pack something every camping trip. Thank goodness this time it was something I could borrow, unlike the time I forgot wool socks.
We got back to the campsite and Mike started putting together the fire. I usually bogart that coveted task, but as I’d been the one to forget the foil, I set about amending my mistake. The air had cooled significantly. I pulled on the flannel shirt from around my waist against the chill as I walked to the next campsite.
The middle-aged man stood by a Vanagon and several plastic tubs. At first I thought the piles of equipment on the table were fishing gear, but as I closed the distance I saw it was pieces of an easy-up and boxes full of Coleman lanterns and dingy mess kits.
“Excuse me, I’m sorry to bother you,” I said. He looked up from untying a bag of tent stakes.
I stated my purpose quickly. “You wouldn’t happen to have any tin foil?”
“As a matter of fact, I do,” he said, nodding at the Reynolds Wrap on the table. “Help yourself.”
“Thank you so much. You always forget something on a camping trip, huh?” I remarked.
“Oh yeah. Except I think we’ll be pretty well covered. This is all Boy Scout stuff,” he said, looking over at the tubs. “They’re coming up later tonight. Each troop has its own supplies. We bring `em all. I think we have anything you could possibly need.”
“Yeah, I bet.” I set about pulling off two slices of paper-thin foil.
“So, where are you from?” he asked.
“Los Angeles.”
“Oh cool, I have some relatives down there. Whittier, Century City. Even as far as Lancaster. Come down to see them every so often. I’m up in Fresno.”
“Oh, neat.” I suppressed my need to make a joke about California’s armpit. After all, if Fresno is California’s armpit, then Los Angeles is surely its cocaine-burned nose, or maybe its loud, obnoxious mouth.
After chatting a little more, I said goodbye and walked back to our campsite, radiating warmth I’d forgotten.
“Success!” I smiled. “Our neighbor let me have some.”
“Great,” Mike said, crouching by the half-teepee of logs.
“Don’t you just love camping?” I said. “It it feels like the only time we really have neighbors.”
As I set about wrapping up the potatoes, I smiled to myself, glad I wasn’t at home. Out of foil at home meant a quick run to the store. I’d have never known about the Boy Scout Troop from Fresno.
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Photos from the trip
Enchanted Seashells, Confessions of a Tugboat Captain's Wife
It looks like a fun trip. Last big trip we took, our random neighbors were a bunch of Amish. It was BIZARRE. The deets will be in my hopefully one day book.
Enchanted Seashells, Confessions of a Tugboat Captain’s Wife recently posted…My Mad Skills As A Personal Fashion Stylist: But NOT My Dream Job, I Guess…
Natalie DeYoung
It was fun! And you meet the weirdest, most random people camping! I love it.
Linda Roy
Looks like a beautiful place. Hurray for neighbors with supplies!
Linda Roy recently posted…OctPoWriMo: Day 23: 5
Natalie DeYoung
It’s gorgeous there. I want to live in the Central Coast. 🙂
I love surprise neighbors! Well, not the hard-fighting neighbors we had summer before last at a campground in Connecticut, but all of our other surprise neighbors.
CJ recently posted…Rebel Without a Cause
Natalie DeYoung
Camping neighbors are the best!
I’ve read too many serial killer books–I’d be afraid to speak to another living soul, just in case they were plotting for my kidneys. You’re very brave!
Tina recently posted…Pine Box
Natalie DeYoung
I’ve found the friendliest people on earth to be fellow campers. 🙂
We went camping when I was little. It was always fun and neighbourly.
TriGirl recently posted…The 2013 Athleta Iron Girl Race Recap Part 2: the part where I actually race.
Natalie DeYoung
I’ve been going my whole life. In un-friendly LA, it feels like the only time I get to experience human kindness, unfortunately.
Leave it to Boy Scouts to always be prepared!
Robbie recently posted…Unravel
Natalie DeYoung
I know! They made our camping gear look like a starving group of survivors!
Chris plumb
I think camping isn’t camping unless you forget something. One year we forgot utensils, so we made them out of duct tape and toothpicks. I’m not sure if that makes me a survivalist or just white trash.
Chris plumb recently posted…With Risk Comes Reward, and Potentially, a Damaged Spinal Cord
Natalie DeYoung
Nope, survivalist. We’ve done similar when forgetting stuff. The year I forgot my pillow was uncomfortable, until I balled up my fluffy down coat and stuck it under my head.
you can find yourself more “at home than home” in some strange places in this life.
Natalie DeYoung
I always find myself more at home when I’m away from home…
Michelle Longo
Looks like a beautiful area! I’m still just so jealous of your California living, neighbors or not.
Michelle Longo recently posted…Talking Is Overrated.
Natalie DeYoung
It’s a trade-off. Maybe I could just camp professionally?
I never thought it possible to put the can of chili on fire,wouldn’t it explode,but then what do I know,I go camping with prepared food and always remember the utensils I need. Your trip is exciting and you know how to make do with what you have,it also requires a cool mind.I honestly have neither of those!
Natalie DeYoung
Haha! You take the lid off, first. No explosion. 🙂
kp Attman
I always forget things when I travel…and camping is even more of a challenge, because there’s so much more to bring.
Natalie DeYoung
I know! When you have to remember things like drinking water, it’s hard to remember things like tinfoil.
While I am not a fan of camping (the outdoors and I have a healthy relationship . . . I stay out of it, and it doesn’t kill me), but surprise friendly neighbors are the best! Our neighbors are so far away, we hardly ever see them. It’s nice when you can have that kind of interaction.
Misty recently posted…And the Award for Best Wife goes to . . .
Natalie DeYoung
I know. Most of the neighbors I had growing up were strangers that kept you at a cool distance, so I crave random human friendliness.
Neighbors…that’s a good subject. I live in the burbs and boy the neighbors are strange! “No contact” seems to be the unwritten rule. Good that you have Rusty with you on your camping trips. Camping gives me the heebie jeebies.
Beduwen recently posted…South Tyrol – Bel Paese, Schönes Land
Natalie DeYoung
Same here – I don’t know why neighbors aren’t neighborly by us.
Awesome post! Love stories about neighbors. And I like how you illustrate that neighbors can ultimately be from far away…like Fresno.
Kristin recently posted…Stealin’ and Four-Wheelin’
Natalie DeYoung
Thanks! Neighbors are unfamiliar territory for me. People in LA aren’t very friendly.
Christi @ EditMoi
It’s so true about camping neighbors. And for the record, the best baked potatoes I’ve ever made were cooked in the fire without foil since we were out.
Good camping neighbours are the best! The bad ones, though…
Janelle recently posted…The Other “F” Word
Natalie DeYoung
Oh, I know. We’ve had our fair share of loudmouths.
I’m not a camper per se but love adventures! Beautiful area! I forget something important on every vacation.
Gina recently posted…Yeah Write: Joe
Natalie DeYoung
Adventures! I live for adventures!
Angel The Alien
I love camping too… it feels like you’re part of a small town or something! A small little down in the woods where nobody has houses. Maybe a hobo town.
Angel The Alien recently posted…Going To The Zoo, Zoo, Zoo…
Natalie DeYoung
Hobo town. Sounds like somewhere I’d move! 😉
Big fan of camping. Not such a big fan of southern California. You ought to look at what Northern Ca. has to offer in terms of scenic beauty. I have lived here all my life and LOVE it. And Fresno?? I have referred to Fresno as the armpit often. I laughed so hard at that. We have the other pit up north. Better known as the greater Stockton/Tracy area. Anyway, I loved this post. You are right. Campers for the most part are the friendliest people. I mean really, what do they have to be grumpy about? Thanks for sharing this post.
Keep Inspiring
Natalie DeYoung
Oh, I love Northern CA! We were only gone for a weekend, so couldn’t drive that far. And I think only Californians understand the armpit reference. 😉 And I drove through Stockton once – it was scary.
Samantha Brinn Merel
I never liked camping, except for the fun people you meet when you’re out there in the woods. Glad you met these guys!
Samantha Brinn Merel recently posted…Throwback Thursday
Natalie DeYoung
No camping? We grew up doing it, and so I developed a love for the outdoors.
such a delightful episode, dear!
Fresno isn’t so bad, try hanging out in Salinas or Gilroy. 😉
Jack recently posted…Social Networks Have Killed Blog Comments & No One Cares
So true! I don’t talk to any of my neighbors, but camping…such a different (and better) world. Coming back to reality is always hard for me after a camping trip.
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