
I just worked twelve hours and my brain is mush

Sorry, dear readers, I worked twelve hours today. On spreadsheets. No, really, ON FRICKIN’ SPREADSHEETS. I haven’t eaten, I haven’t kissed my husband hello.

It’s already been a tough week.

But I needed to be here, briefly, because this is a light spot in my life, and you need to grab hold of all of the light spots you can in this world.

So no real post tonight.

But I appreciate the five of you who read this.

See you tomorrow.

To tide you over, here’s a list of thing’s I’ve learned at work:

  1. Instead of a coffin, you can buy a cardboard box for your remains.  Awesome-sauce.
  2. There can be open bottles of vodka in the fridge and you don’t have to drink them.
  3. My back hurts.
  4. You can also buy bottles of wine that come in coffin-shaped carrying cases.  Perfect for those occasions when you just need wine in a coffin.
  5. People in my industry are really nice, but also really crazy.
  6. For all its usefulness, I hate Microsoft Excel.  If I never have to create another spreadsheet again, it will be too soon (I say as I minimize this screen and get back to work on my report in Excel).


  • Niven

    🙁 Get some rest! Yeah, easier said than done, but you need it. Not gonna lie; at this point, a crash is /probably/ inevitable. But you can lessen it if you cut yourself a break early enough…or, “at all” might be a good start. At least try, if you can! <3

    • natalie

      I’m waiting with my parachute and a good book…
      For the crash, that is. That wasn’t as obvious a statement as I had planned.

  • Jenna Ochoa

    I think you need/deserve a really rich cup of hot chocolate and a scalp massage from hubby. Hope you get all that, or something similar, and a good night’s sleep. And, really? A cardboard box? Can I just provide my own ahead of time? I’m thinking Nordstrom or Tiffanys.

    • natalie

      Oh my gosh, I love the way you think! I’ll mention the scalp massage after work today…:)
      Also, no – I don’t think your body would fit in a Tiffany box. Unless that was one humongous piece of jewelry! I think they’re mostly used to transport bodies to cremation…
      Wait, venturing into TMI territory. Must stop with the dead body talk.

  • Shannon Fielding

    See you tomorrow! Unless you work yourself to death. But if that happens, at least your back won’t hurt anymore. And they can always bury you in a cardboard box and toast to your life with wine from little coffins. And best of all, no more Microsoft Excel! 🙂

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