My First Publication: Huffington Post!
For those not following me on social media, you may not have heard me screaming about my article featured in the Huffington Post today.
Let me just tell you, it was so hard to send the email submitting that story. I sat at my computer for about two hours, editing and re-editing everything, asking my cat, “Should I send it?”; yelling to Mike from my office, “I’m scared. I don’t know if I can do it.”
I finally got over myself, held my breath, and clicked “send.”
I have struggled to articulate this complex story for months now. My relationship with my ex, alcohol, has many moving parts, many explanations, with many illustrations of how I have hurt others and myself. It is a mucky, disgusting, confusing mess. Countless tiny embarrassments, nervous cover-ups and assurances to people, to myself, that I was okay. Even now, nearly four years later, I am still processing what happened to me and why.
It seems the only way I could meaningfully compose this part of my life was to couch it in a frame narrative about stress. In fact, when I read the Huffington Post’s call for submissions about stress, my very first thought was, “Stress? Oh, I can tell you about stress.” I sat down, and the story poured out of me as if from a pitcher.
It’s admittedly a little dry, but that was the only way I could keep the focus of the narrative. The second I would start to interject a moment of how it felt, I would spin off into a 500 word tangent that would somehow lead me to railing about the injustices of the U.S. Healthcare and Educational systems. There is no simple way to describe the experience of your life falling apart except to simply describe how your life fell apart; at least for now.
So, here is my very first article published somewhere other than on this blog (or in the California State University Library system). I could not have done this without your support. Thank you all.
Joe Cardillo
Dude! Awesome.
Congratulations Natalie =P
I think it’s great you created a story that provides an honest look at the struggles of alcoholism. That honesty is obviously what’s given you a foundation for the life you truly deserve and are now building. I’m in the middle of writing something a bit scary, so it was inspiring to me as well.
Joe Cardillo recently posted…Your life is an information design project
Natalie DeYoung
Thanks, Joe! This means a lot to me. Keep doing the things that scare you. I have a feeling that’s where the important work lies.
Joe Cardillo
Isn’t that the truth. It’s reaffirmed for me constantly.
Joe Cardillo recently posted…Your life is an information design project
Pam Huggins
Phenomenal Natalie!!! What awesome news!!! I’m so happy for you. Your hard work and persistence has paid off. What a HUGE credit for your writer portfolio as well.
I’m off to read your article. Congratulations again.
Pam Huggins recently posted…TOO PERSONAL
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you so much! I am honored and very excited! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your support!
Pam Huggins
By the way- read your article and it was awesome! Not only was it well written but I think you helped a lot of people. Go you!!!
Pam Huggins recently posted…RESISTANCE IS FUTILE
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you! That’s my hope – that other people will read it and not feel so alone, maybe even get help.
Wow! So happy for you!! Kudos and a big hug, too!
Beduwen recently posted…Paulagate – The Downhill Slide of Paula Deen
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you so much!!
Enchanted Seashells, Confessions of a Tugboat Captain's Wife
Enchanted Seashells, Confessions of a Tugboat Captain’s Wife recently posted…Princess Rosebud And Her Tugboat Man
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you!
Congratulations! You so deserve this. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome!!
Karen recently posted…Boxing shenanigans, and a vegan cupcake recipe for Zoe
Natalie DeYoung
🙂 !
Michelle Daley
Congratulations Natalie! Beautifully written about such a difficult and personal time in your life. You will no doubt help many people overcome their own struggles. Keep writing and stay brave 🙂
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you for your support, Michelle! That’s why I write – so it will hopefully help someone else feel less alone. 🙂
I am so incredibly happy for you!! Congratulations! You deserve it!
Ericamos recently posted…Why Free Clinics Are Free
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you Erica! 🙂
Julie DeNeen
go YOU. I’m off to read it!
Julie DeNeen recently posted…I’ve Just Lost 20 Years
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you Julie, and thanks for the comment!!
Shannon Fielding
Again, great job, Natalie, I’m proud of you.
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you so much, Shannon! Your support means a lot to me.
Your article shook me to my core. It could have been written about me, over a dozen years ago, before I finally got help and got sober.
Our behaviors were incredibly similar: Instead of going to school, I worked my brains out; instead of struggling for money, I was rewarded with promotions because of hard work (more money for better vodka). I ignored family, had no friends. I needed two shots of vodka in the morning, just to put on my eyeliner.
I became depressed (who wouldn’t be?) and obtained anti-depressants from my doctor, with whom I didn’t share about my drinking. (Note that drinking all the time became so commonplace to me that I really didn’t think it was important to share). The combination of those drugs with my daily consumption of vodka eventually caught up with me, though, and I finally hit bottom. One broken rib and an intervention by my family got me to a treatment center, where I went passively, not unlike a beaten puppy.
I have heard and read a lot of stories during my dozen years of sobriety, but yours affected me in a profound way. It was my story, too.
Glad you got help. Glad I got help. Life is wonderful and, in my opinion, sobriety rocks.
Natalie DeYoung
I agree – sobriety, as hard as it is, is a vastly more fulfilling way to live. Stories like mine were rare in the rooms I visited in early sobriety; I was not a party girl, I was trying to cope with the wrong tools. I am SO GLAD for people like you, who understand the difference and with whom we may walk together on the other side.
Thank you so much for stopping by & sharing your story, so similar to mine. It makes me feel less alone, too.
Well done you! I am impressed and awed all over again. You are a wonderful writer and a beautifully flawed human being. You give me hope.
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you so much, Jess! Hope is the best thing I can offer anyone…
Angie Ryg
So excited for you! To be honest and real and to remind your readers that the rebuilding is far more satisfying was beautiful. Thank you!
Angie Ryg recently posted…Strawberries, Smiles, and Snuggles
Natalie DeYoung
Thank YOU! Being a real, honest-to-God human being is so much better than the perfection I was seeking before. 🙂
Melissa@Home on Deranged
Congratulations and well done! And, congratulations on taking the steps you needed to get to a better place. It takes plenty of strength and courage to do it, and I salute you!
Melissa@Home on Deranged recently posted…Evil genius finally gets the kids to eat, so enter this giveaway
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you! It WAS hard, and I’m hoping that by demonstrating that I could do it, others can realize they too can do hard things. 🙂
Chris plumb
Woo hoo. I got to use my seldom used Huff Post screen name, to leave a comment. I think, as they say in the theatre, you just broke a leg. Get ready for the emails, followers, and bump to your social media (you deserve it).
Chris plumb recently posted…Being a Single Parent? Don’t Sign Me Up.
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you Chris! You are one of my most faithful reader/commenters (don’t think I didn’t notice), which I appreciate SO MUCH. We’ll see what happens, but steps in the right direction are always encouraging.
S.J. Faerlind
That’s amazing Natalie! Congratulations! 🙂
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you! 🙂
Blogging Bibliophile
I was so happy to read your story in the Huffington Post! Congrats! You’ve been through so much, and now you’re wise, balanced, and an inspiration to many. Your writing wasn’t dry, it was direct. That is the best way to tell an emotional story. You’re beautiful and brave, and I’m so glad I discovered your writing.
Blogging Bibliophile recently posted…The 16 Rules of Facebook Etiquette
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you! And thank you for the feedback. Writing for the public is kind of like sending a child off into the world to possibly be ridiculed, so your encouragement is very appreciated!
Samantha Brinn Merel
Your story in the Huff Post is brave and beautifully written. Congrats!
Samantha Brinn Merel recently posted…Summer Slump
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you, Samantha! 🙂
Erica O
And thank you for the library plug! It’s not my library, admittedly, but I love it when anyone mentions libraries! Yay!
And also – amazing. You, your story, your courage. All of it. Amazing.
Erica O recently posted…Shaving cream and toilet paper: Recipe for disastrous fun
Natalie DeYoung
I LOVE LIBRARIES. I will ALWAYS plug them. 🙂
Thank you for the love & encouragement.
so amazing!! congratulations!!! You are honestly one of the most talented and passionate writers/bloggers I know. I always look forward to having some quiet time to catch up on your posts. Amazing doors are about to open…
Hailey recently posted…What We’ve Resort(ed) to
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you, Hailey! You’re like my artist soul mate – I always relate to your blog, and aspire to the beautifully light touch you have with words.
Great!! Heading there now 🙂
Kate recently posted…How many points is birthday cake?
Natalie DeYoung
Yay! Thanks!!
Punky Coletta
Read the article on Huff Post, and it was inspiring!
Punky Coletta recently posted…How to tell if he really loves you.
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you!!
I commented on Huffington, but I wanted to tell you on your own blog how great your post was – so honest and real, and so brave of you to bare your soul to all of us. Congratulations Natalie!
Dana recently posted…Family California Vacation
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you SO MUCH – it has been an overwhelming few days! It means a lot to me that you took the time to comment. 🙂
Mary @ A Teachable Mom
Congratulations, Natalie! What a beautiful, moving story – vivid and real. Thank you!
Mary @ A Teachable Mom recently posted…Falling In Love With Boys
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you for reading! 🙂
Kate Hall
I tried leaving a comment over there, but I couldn’t remember my stinking HuffPo account info. Great article, so courageous. Loved reading it. It made me think about how hard it is for me to accept help, mostly bc I believe it will cause me more work or stress to deal with the helper. The six months after each of our adoptions were times when I should have accepted some of the help offered. Of course, most of the time people would say, “let me know how I can help.” And honestly, I didn’t even know how they could have helped.
Kate Hall recently posted…Caption That! (Round 41)
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you so much, Kate. Accepting help is SO HARD. It has made me a better, humbler person, but man! Hardest thing ever.
catherine gacad
Beautifully written, Natalie. Congratulations! I am elated for you on your publication. The best stories are those that come from the heart.
Natalie DeYoung
Thank you, Catherine! I agree.
Michelle Longo
Congatulations, that’s so exciting!! Popping over to read it right now!
Michelle Longo recently posted…Common Ground.
Michelle Longo
Also, I totally know how to spell congratulations correctly.
Michelle Longo recently posted…Common Ground.
Natalie DeYoung
Thanks, Michelle! 🙂
Sorry I’m late to this party but congratulations.
We live parallel lives. My low point with alcohol/depression etc… is chronicled here:
It ran on The Good Men Project and Men’s two years ago.
Hang in there, dude. I will too.
Lance recently posted…Gigantic – Twisted Mixtape Tuesday
Natalie DeYoung
Wow, what a well-written story. I didn’t know you were one of us. Thank you for stopping by & letting me know – it makes me feel less alone.