Depression is a Bitch,  Family Dynamics

First Anniversary, Take Two: UPDATED

Today is our first wedding anniversary.

I am really a doofus, because I posted this nice tribute to Mike last week, when I should have saved it for this week.

Especially because today I don’t feel like writing a nice tribute.

It just goes to show you, children, the benefits of planning ahead. Or planning at all. Will I never learn? Probably not. I’m not much of a planner.

My wedding day was one of the best days of my life. Sure, it rained a little in the morning and there was some of the usual wedding-related drama, but overall, it’s one of my favorite memories. Gorgeous, giant white dress; amazing food; family and friends; amazing cupcakes; so much love from my newly-minted husband. Great. Day.

Today? It’s Monday (stupid leap year). I had my broken toe x-rayed and forgot to have the doctor order an additional x-ray for my arthritic finger, which means I have to go back. Also, this made me late for work, and I’m an hourly employee, so…that sucks. It’s a hundred billionty degrees out and I’m a sweaty mess. My car stereo isn’t working. Go Daddy ate my website. I don’t feel beautiful at all; the stress of this year resulted in an unwelcome fifteen pound weight gain and I feel grotesque. The black hole swallowed me up yesterday and I’ve struggled to claw my way out of it.

This is called “Part Two” because I wrote something darker and vaguely apocalyptic about marriage and strength and “the hard times are what make it worth it” but then I shut that whole thing down before I let my diarrhea-of-the-mouth scare my few readers away.

I’d sort-of had this plan to upload our wedding photos (finally) and post some of them on here, but that plan went to hell this weekend.

As romantic as anniversaries should be, sometimes life gets in the way, and I don’t always get to choose how stuff goes down.

So with nothing to say and nothing to show, I’ll let some music do the talking. These are the simple kinds of songs that sometimes pick me up when I’m down. Because I do love love. And I love my husband something fierce.

At least there will be free cupcakes tonight. I have a coupon. Damn straight I’m going to the best bakery in the world for a free anniversary cupcake – that’s what anniversaries are for. Free. Cupcakes.

Photo courtesy of Winfield Photography. Check them out!

UPDATED: When I got home from work, Mike had gotten me flowers and a card so sweet I cried. Then we went to dinner, and he made the day 150% better. The man is a saint, and I’m lucky.


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